Detect - Notify -  Respond

Detecting a threat before it becomes one

Every active shooter must do one thing before a shot is fired: display a weapon. Ninex ThreatWatch is a real-time physical threat detection system that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology to automatically detect a threat before a single gunshot is fired.

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Looking for anyone with a gun

Utilizing an organization's existing security cameras, Ninex ThreatWatch System/Software monitors all video images, looking for anyone with a visible gun. When a person with a visible gun is detected, Ninex ThreatWatch can automatically notify law enforcement and all building occupants.

Still Images And Video Clips
Ninex ThreatWatch provides a single still image and a five second video clip every time a weapon has been detected.

Customized Messaging
Additional messages and instructions can be automatically generated based on the location of the shooter.

Automatically Track The Shooter
Ninex ThreatWatch ​can automatically track the shooter, whether or not the weapon has been concealed or discarded.

Ninex has the systems and services that can help any organization identify and mitigate the threat of an active shooter.  Learn more about what we do and how we do it.
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